Bitácora de la Comunidad de Articuladores de Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación

viernes, junio 24, 2005

Usar lo que haces

Dave Winer, el alma detras de varias tecnologias y tendencias innovadoras, sobre el porqué todos aquellos que creamos productos (o servicios) debemos colocarnos como usuarios de nuestras propias creaciones.

In the business, we call this Eating The Dogfood, which is actually kind of a gross image (you have to see your users as dogs, which may not be very healthy). Anyway using the product yourself helps reinforce its reality, to me. In The Soul of a New Machine, the engineers working on the Data General mini-computer experienced a disconnect when they saw someone using their product, . To the engineers it is and always will be a prototype. But if people are going to use something as a product, the perspective has to shift, you have to see it as a tool, something people use, something you use