Bitácora de la Comunidad de Articuladores de Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación

martes, agosto 24, 2004

Definiciones de Marca Brand Harmony - Capitulo 1

A Brand is a Thought

A brand is not simply the message a marketer intends to send to a customer. A brand is the message the customer perceives about the product, which may be something altogether different than the message the marketer intended to send (...) Your brand is not something you can hold, or touch, or see. You can’t send it through the mail or project it on the airwaves. Your brand is a thought in your customer’s mind, which she creates at her own discretion as she interacts with your company and your product. No matter how great a product’s advertising is—or, for that matter, how great the product is—the customer still reserves the right to make her own decision about how to think about the product.
Una Marca es un Pensamiento
Una marca es el mensaje que el cliente precibe acerca del producto, el cual puede ser algo totalmente diferente al mensaje que el especialista de mercadeo trato de enviar.

mdn studio: The Designer's Guide to Brand Strategy
..a brand is essentially the sum of all parts of the business experienced by someone and together with their perception of that experience. In essence, there are two fundamentals to know:
1. A brand is the total experience gained from the behaviour and relationship someone has with an organization, product or service.
2. A brand has two living parts, the part that the organization or product/service creates and the part which is kept in the mind of the person experiencing it.

Una marca es esencialmente la suma de todas las partes de un negocio experimentadas por alguien junto con la percepcion de esa experiencia. En esencia, hay dos fundamentos que conocer:

1.- Una marca es la experiencia total adquirida a traves del comportamiento y la relacion que alguien tiene con una organizacion, producto o servicio.

2.- Una marca tiene dos partes vivas, la parte que la organizacion, producto o servicio crean y la parte que permanece en la mente de la persona que la experimenta. Branding on a Budget: An Interview With Brad VanAuken
"A brand is the personification of an organization or its products and services. Brands are designed to build relationships and emotional connections with customers. Brands are also the source of promises to customers. They should promise relevant differentiated benefits. Branding is the process of creating an identity for an organization or its products and services for the purpose of creating relationships with customers and making promises to customers."

Una marca es la personificacion de una organizacion o de sus productos y servicios. Las Marcas estan diseñadas para construir relaciones y conexiones emocionales con los clientes. Las Marcas tambien son la fuente de las promesas a los clientes. Ellas deberian prometer beneficios diferenciados y relevantes. Hacer Marca (Branding) es el proceso de crear una identidad para una organizacion o sus productos o servicios con el proposito de crear relaciones con los clientes y hacer promesas a los clientes It Takes a Village to Build a Brand
"Nick Graham, the self-titled Chief Underpants Officer (CUO!) of Joe Boxer, says: “The brand is the amusement park, the product is the souvenir.”

La Marca es el parque de diversiones, el producto es el adorno de recuerdo

What's Your Brand Mantra?: Writing a Brand Manifesto
"I define brand as the idea about your company in the minds of stakeholders. And just as actions speak louder than words, the brand idea is created more by operations than by marketing."

Yo defino una marca como la idea acerca de su compañia en las mentes de los interesados. Y asi como las acciones hablan mas alto que las palabras, la idea de marca es creada mas por las operaciones que por el mercadeo